Justice-Impacted Program

The Meta Theatre Company (MTC) is a justice-impacted organization that utilizes theatre to work with women healing from the trauma of incarceration. One crucial aspect of MTC is our re-entry efforts. Using theatre to create healing spaces, MTC began as a volunteer program at a women’s prison. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, we have focused our attention on the re-entry of cast members who were formerly incarcerated, as well as the support of other justice-impacted individuals. 

We are a 501-C(3) Non-Profit Organization, and we also believe in mutual aid and community building.  Please consider a monthly donation to our reentry program; $10, $20 or $30 a month will provide concrete and emotional wellbeing to the justice impacted cast members in our company. You can do so from our Donate Page.

Source Credit: the "3 prongs of reentry" infographic was adapted from information taught to MTC by Tia Ryans of All of Us or None -- Northern NJ

Theatre is a pathway to healing trauma in our community -- we use theatre and our original performances to educate our community on how to stop the systemic issues that lead to incarceration.  In addition to educating the community, we focus on successful re-entry for women who have experienced incarceration. We serve as a supportive community and work with formerly and currently incarcerated women in the areas of concrete needs and healing from trauma.  Examples of concrete needs are raising funds for groceries, clothing for employment, public transportation passes to jobs, and rental assistance.  Examples of trauma work include raising funding for therapy, working with women to write and perform their story of change, and connecting women to others in the community to reduce feelings of isolation. These connections assist women in networking, and at the same time, educates organizations on how they can better support women coming back to their lives from incarceration. Finally, our theatre company empowers women to become leaders in our community. Our shows are interactive, and we encourage the audience to answer thought provoking questions and share ideas for solutions. Our training supports women to learn how to facilitate and find positive ways to share their life experience to lead others.

Images from our last inside show in 2019

Artist Credit: Jessica Jensen